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Alerts & Changes

Alerts and Changes provide information about notices or changes to import conditions. You can keep informed with these notices by following individual import cases.

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Showing 1 - 10 results of 60

Addition of species to the ‘Mushrooms for propagation’ case

Effective from 25 September 2024
The following species have been added to the : • Macrolepiota albuminosa (syn. Termitomyces albuminosus) • Pholiota adiposa • Tylopilus felleus As a result, Macrolepiota albuminosa (Syn. Termitomyces albuminosus), Pholiota adiposa and Tylopilus fel...
Related Cases:   Mushrooms for propagation

Import conditions for fresh passionfruit from Viet Nam

Effective from 20 September 2024
Import conditions are now published on BICON for the importation of fresh passionfruit from Viet Nam for human consumption. The import conditions are based on the . Fresh passionfruit from Viet Nam must undergo pre-export phytosanitary irradiatio...
Related Cases:   Fresh granadilla and passionfruit for human consumption

Updates to the List of Approved Countries and Overseas Authorities for Salmon

Effective from 20 September 2024
The department has completed an assessment of: 1. The Chilean National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA) for regulating the sourcing, processing and export of consumer-ready, insufficiently heat-treated salmon products to Australia for hu...
Related Cases:   Salmonid fish for human consumption

Addition of species to the ‘Plant species that are weeds’ case

Effective from 17 September 2024
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment for the species Amaranthus dubius. The assessment has determined that this species poses an unacceptable weed risk to Australia and is therefore not permitted en...
Related Cases:   Plant species that are weeds

Update to import conditions for Alyxia stellata and Pandanus odoratissimus

Effective from 16 September 2024
The import conditions for Maile foliage (Alyxia stellata) and Pandanus odoratissimus fruit have been updated and added to the BICON case . Who does this notice affect: Importers of fresh cut flowers and foliage, freight forwarders, brokers, Pathway...
Related Cases:   Fresh cut flowers and foliage

Revision of import conditions for fresh fruit and foliage for ceremonial purposes

Effective from 16 September 2024
Willow foliage (Salix spp.) The import conditions for willow foliage (Salix spp.) for the USA have been removed due the risk associated with Phytophthora ramorum - Sudden Oak Death (SOD). Fresh willow foliage for ceremonial purposes is only permitt...
Related Cases:   Fresh fruit and foliage for ceremonial purposes

Changes to the BICON cases and import permit application forms for domestic cats and dogs

Effective from 12 September 2024
The department has updated the BICON cases and import permit application forms for domestic cats and dogs. The BICON pathways now allow importers to apply for the import conditions they are seeking to import the animal under. Additionally, the ap...
Related Cases:   Domestic dogs | Domestic cats

Addition of species to the ‘Plant species requiring further assessment’ BICON case

Effective from 11 September 2024
Species added to this case The department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) for several species, included in the table below. The assessment has determined that there is insufficient information to comp...
Related Cases:   Plant species requiring further assessment

Updates to species listings in the ‘Cacti for use as nursery stock’ case

Effective from 11 September 2024
The department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) for several species. The assessment has determined that the species listed below are synonyms of species that are already permitted for import. Echinopsi...
Related Cases:   Cacti for use as nursery stock

Addition of species to the ‘Rutaceae seed for sowing requiring treatment or testing’ case

Effective from 11 September 2024
The department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) for the species Luvunga monophylla and Paramignya trimera. The assessment has determined that Luvunga monophylla and Paramignya trimera are present in Aus...
Related Cases:   Rutaceae seed for sowing requiring treatment and/or testing