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Information: Pest risk management measures for quarantine pests of longan fruit from Viet Nam

Effective 8 October 2021


Common name


Bactrocera correcta

Guava fruit fly

Irradiation at a minimum dose of 150 Gy and maximum dose of 1000 Gy

Bactrocera dorsalis

Oriental fruit fly

Dysmicoccus neobrevipes

Grey pineapple mealybug

Pre-export visual inspection and, if found, remedial action a


Irradiation at a minimum dose of 400 Gy and maximum dose of 1000 Gy

Exallomochlus hispidus

Cocoa mealybug

Paracoccus interceptus

Intercepted mealybug

Planococcus lilacinus

Coffee mealybug

Planococcus litchi

Litchi mealybug

Planococcus minor (WA)

Pacific mealybug

Pseudococcus baliteus

Aerial root mealybug

Pseudococcus cryptus (WA)

Citriculus mealybug

Conopomorpha sinensis

Litchi fruit borer

Irradiation at a minimum dose of 400 Gy and maximum dose of 1000 Gy

Regulated thrips

Common name


Scirtothrips dorsalis

Chilli thrips

Pre-export visual inspection and, if found, remedial action a


Irradiation at a minimum dose of 400 Gy and maximum dose of 1000 Gy

Thrips tabaci

Onion thrips

a Remedial action includes treatment of the consignment to ensure that the pest is no longer viable or withdrawal of the consignment from export to Australia.

WA Pest of quarantine concern for Western Australia.