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Update to standard import conditions for environmental samples to allow transfer between AA sites

Effective from 17 January 2025

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has updated the standard import conditions for “Environmental samples for laboratory analysis, culturing and isolation not permitted” to clarify conditions and reduce regulatory burden on importers.

Environmental samples imported under these conditions must be used in an approved arrangement (AA) class 5.1 or higher until they are treated, disposed of, or exported. As of 17 January 2025, the department has updated the standard conditions to allow for the transfer of samples between approved sites.

Importers and end users will no longer be required to submit applications to transfer the goods between AA sites. All other import and AA class conditions must still be met.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers and brokers of environmental samples for laboratory analysis and departmental staff.

How will my permit be affected:
Existing import permits will remain active and will not be affected by this change. However, permit holders may submit a variation request if they would like to use the new import conditions. Fees and wait times for variations will apply.

If you do not wish to vary your permit, or for goods already imported under the current import conditions, you can apply to transfer your goods on an ad hoc basis. More information about applications to transfer material between approved arrangement sites can be found on the department’s website. Transfers are charged on a per application basis, rather than the transfers allowed by the updated standard permit conditions. Wait times for transfer applications will apply as per usual.

What is a standard permit:
For more information on standard import permits, please visit the department’s webpage for standard permits for biological products.

Further information:
For further information, please contact the Laboratory and Human Tissues Program on 1800 900 090 or email

This Change applies to the following Cases: