Addition of species to the ‘Permitted seed for sowing’ and 'Raw seed for HC' cases
Effective from 11 December 2024The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has completed a Weed Risk Assessment for the species listed below and has determined that these species are permitted as they pose a low weed risk to Australia, are already present in Australia and not under official control or are a synonym of a listed permitted species.
Narcissus 'February Silver'
Narcissus 'Gigantic Star'
Narcissus 'Jumblie'
Narcissus 'Peeping Tom'
Narcissus 'Tahiti'
Thalictrum adianthifolium
Thalictrum alpestre
Thalictrum alpinum
Thalictrum caffrum
Thalictrum collinum
Thalictrum flexuosum
Thalictrum foetidum
Thalictrum jacquinianum
Thalictrum kemense
Thalictrum kochii
Thalictrum medium
Thalictrum minus
Thalictrum squarrosum
Thalictrum transsilvanicum
The Weed Risk Assessment system is a science-based quarantine risk analysis tool for determining the weed potential of a plant. All plants proposed for importation into Australia and not currently permitted on BICON are assessed for their potential to become weeds in Australia. Further information on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the department's webpage.
Who does this notice affect:
Importers of nursery stock and seed, customs brokers and department staff.
Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email
This Change applies to the following Cases: