Removal of freedom of disease attestation for avian fluids and tissues imported from New Zealand
Effective from 10 December 2024The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has been notified that New Zealand has had an outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H7N6 strain.
In response to this outbreak, the department will be removing permit conditions requiring health certification stating that New Zealand is free from highly pathogenic avian influenza.
This change will not negatively affect trade relationships between Australia and New Zealand.
New Zealand will also remain on the department’s list of countries approved for avian fluids and tissues.
The department will contact individual import permit holders affected by this change and provide further information on how it will impact the import conditions for specific goods.
For goods that are currently in transit to Australia:
The department will assess goods that are currently in transit to Australia on a case-by-case basis, and if the biosecurity risk can be effectively managed, the goods can be released. If you experience clearance issues, please contact for assistance.
Who does this alert affect:
Importers of avian fluids and tissues for laboratory use, which have been sourced from, manufactured in or exported from countries free from HPAI, import brokers and Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment.
Further information:
Please contact the department on 1800 900 090 (prompt 1, prompt 1) or via email at
This Alert applies to the following Cases: