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Calculating the percentage of animal ingredients (excluding approved ingredients) in a product

Effective 2 December 2016 to 19 August 2017

Calculating the percentage of animal ingredients (excluding approved ingredients) in a product

  1. Animal ingredients must be calculated by weight of the product.

  2. Bee products (other than bee pollen), lactose (and its derivatives), lanolin (and its derivatives) and listed section 33 substances do NOT contribute to the percentage of animal ingredients.

  3. The animal component of the entire product should be calculated.

Example calculation

Example product contains the following ingredients (totaling 100%):
25% lactose
10% deer collagen
15% pure honey
10% oyster extract
30% water
10% glycerol

Add all animal ingredients (excluding lactose and honey, which are approved ingredients)
10% deer collagen + 10% oyster extract = 20%

This example product does not contain more than 20% animal material (excluding approved ingredients).