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List: Specified bony fish species other than from the family Salmonidae & genus Plecoglossus

Effective 19 April 2019 to 24 August 2019

When sourced from all countries other than New Zealand

All species of farmed bony fish (i.e. fish that are grown and harvested in an aquaculture system)

Lampetra spp.

All species in the Family Aulorhynchidae

Lepomis spp.

All species in the Family Embiotocidae

Merluccius spp.

All species in the Family Gadidae

Micropterus spp.

All species in the Family Gasterosteidae

Morone spp.

All species in the Family Lotidae

Moxostoma spp.

All species in the Family Osmeridae

Mugil spp.

All species in the Family Pleuronectidae

Neogobius spp.

All species in the Family Scophthalmidae

Notropis spp.

Acanthopagrus spp. (former name Mylio spp.)

Paralichthys spp.

Ambloplites spp.

Perca spp.

Ameiurus spp.

Percopsis spp.

Ammodytes spp.

Pimephales spp.

Anguilla spp.

Pomatoschistus spp.

Anoplopoma spp.

Pomoxis spp.

Aplodinotus spp.

Sander spp. (former name Stizostedion spp.)

Argentina spp.

Sardinops spp.

Brevoortias spp.

Scomber spp.

Clupea spp. Includes herring and sprat (Sprattus spp. is synonymous with Clupea spp.),but does not include Sardinella spp. or Sardina spp.

Sebastes spp.

Dicentrarchus spp.

Solea spp.

Dorosoma spp.

Sparus spp.

Esox spp.

Thamnaconus spp. (former name Navodon spp.)

Eutrigla spp.

Trachinotus spp.

Fundulus spp.

Trichiurus spp.

Ictalurus spp.

When sourced from all countries in, and islands surrounding, Asia

Epinephelus spp.

Pseudocaranx spp.

Evynnis spp.

Seriola spp.

Lateolabrax spp.

Takifugu spp.

Oplegnathus spp.

Thunnus spp.

Pagrus spp.

When sourced from Japan

Parapristipoma spp.

Stephanolepis spp.