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List: Permitted and non-permitted frozen mushroom species

Effective 21 December 2018 to 8 August 2019

Table 1: List of permitted species

Scientific name

Common name(s)

Permitted from

Agaricus spp. (excluding A. tessulatus and A. ulmarius)

Agaricus mushroom

All countries

Auricularia spp.

Jelly fungus, black fungus, Jew's ear fungus

All countries

Boletus edulis

Porcini mushroom, cep mushroom

All countries

Cantharellus cibarius

Chantarella mushroom, gallinacci mushroom, girolles mushroom

All countries

Craterellus cornucopioides

Craterellus mushroom, tompette des morts mushrooms

All countries

Flammulina spp.

Enoke mushroom, enoketake mushroom, velvet stem mushroom, winter mushrooms

All countries

Hydnum repandum

Pied de mouton mushroom, shepherd mushroom


Lactarius deliciosus

Saffron milk cap mushroom


Lentinus edodes (synonym: Lentinula edodes)

Shitake mushroom

All countries

Lyophyllum spp.

Shimeji mushroom

All countries

Marasmius oreades

Mousseron mushroom; fairy ring mushroom


Morchella spp.

Morchella mushroom

All countries

Pholiota nameko

Nameko mushroom

All countries

Pleurotus spp.

Abalone mushroom, oyster mushroom

All countries

Tremella spp.

Cloud ear mushroom, silver ear mushroom, white jelly fungus

All countries

Tricholoma bakamatsutake

Princess matsutake

All countries

Tricholoma caligatum

European matsutake

All countries

Tricholoma magnivelare

White matsutake

All countries

Tricholoma matsutake (synonym: T. nauseosum)

Singer matsutake

All countries

Tricholoma terreum

Grisets mushroom

All countries

Volvariella volvacea (synonym: Agaricus volvacea)

Straw mushroom

All countries

Table 2: List of species requiring further assessment

These species are not permitted entry because insufficient information is available on their risk status.

Agrocybe spp.

Poplar mushrooms

All countries

Armillaria mellea

Hazel mushroom, Honey mushrooms

All countries

Coprinus spp.


All countries

Ganoderma spp.


All countries

Hypholoma spp.

Chestnut mushrooms

All countries

Inonotus obliquus

Chaga mushrooms

All countries

Pholiota spp. (excluding P. nameko)


All countries

Wolfiporia spp. (synonym: Porio spp.)

Fu ling, Indian bread, Tuckahoe

All countries

Table 3: List of species that are weeds

These species have been assessed as posing a high risk of becoming weeds in Australia and are not permitted entry.

Clitocybe maxima

Big cup mushroom

All countries

Hericium erinaceus

Monkey head mushroom

All countries

Hypsizygus tessulatus (synonym: Agaricus tessulatus)

Agaricus mushroom

All countries

Hypsizygus ulmarius (synonym: Agaricus ulmarius)

Agaricus mushroom

All countries