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Pathogen risk timber

Effective 11 April 2018 to 18 December 2018

The following genera of timber from the listed countries are considered pathogen risk timber.

All species of the listed genera are included. The common names are examples of species in those genera and is not intended to be an exhaustive list.

Countries considered to be European, for the purpose of this table, are listed at the top of the relevant import conditions pages.


Country where grown

Abies (Fir)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Acer (Maple)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Aesculus (Buckeye or Horse Chestnut)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Alnus (Alder, Aliso, Jaul, Lambran)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Arbutus (Strawberry Tree)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Arctostaphylos (Bearberry)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Betula (Birch)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Carpinus (Hornbeam, Charme)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Castanea (Chestnut)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Castanopsis (Indian Chestnut, Oak Chestnut)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Chamaecyparis (White Cedar, Cypress)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Corylus (Turkish Hazel)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Eucalyptus (Gum)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Euonymus (Burning Bush)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Fagus (Beech)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Fraxinus (Black Ash, Swamp Ash)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Gevuina (Chilean wildnut)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries


New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Ilex (Japanese Winterberry)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Kalmia (Mountain Laurel, Calico Bush, White Wicky)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Larix (Larch)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Liriodendron (Tulip Tree, Canary Whitewood, Tulip Poplar)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Lithocarpus (Tanoak)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries


New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Malus (Crab Apple)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Michelia (Champaca, Banana Shrub)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Nothofagus (Rauli, Red, Or Clinker Beech)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Olea (Black Ironwood)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries


New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Picea (Siberian Spruce)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Pinus (Pine)

Chile, New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Pistacia (Pistachio)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Populus (Poplar)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Prunus (Japanese Apricot, Plum)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Pseudotsuga (Douglas Fir)

Chile, New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Quercus (Oak)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Rhamnus (includes Frangula)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Salix (Willow)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries


New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Sequoia (Redwood)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Taxus (Yew)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Tilia (Linden, Lime)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Torreya (California Nutmeg)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Tsuga (Hemlock)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Ulmus (Dwarf Elm, Siberian Elm)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries

Umbellularia (Laurel)

New Zealand, United States of America and European countries