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Production questionnaire for products exported to Australia

Effective 22 July 2016 to 18 October 2018

Production questionnaire for products exported to Australia

Section A: General information

Purpose of this form

Information provided in this form will be assessed and used to determine the risk of the product and the import conditions that will be applied to the import permit.

Questionnaire requirements

  • It is the responsibility of the MANUFACTURER of the product(s) intended for export to Australia to complete this questionnaire.

  • Please submit this questionnaire with the application for a permit to import food products.

  • A separate questionnaire is to be completed for each product intended for export to Australia.

  • Commercial-in-confidence information should be marked as such by the manufacturer and the questionnaire returned directly to the Animal and Biological Import Assessment Branch (ABIAB).

What you must know

  • It is the responsibility of the owner and importer to be aware of relevant Australian state, territory and Commonwealth laws.

  • In accordance with Biosecurity legislation, Biosecurity officers may decide to suspend, vary or revoke your import permit.

  • The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources may contact overseas government competent authorities to verify any information provided in this questionnaire.

  • It is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 to knowingly give false or misleading information to a Commonwealth officer exercising powers under Commonwealth law. This offence carries a potential penalty of 12 months' imprisonment.

To complete this form

Enter data in all relevant fields, expand text boxes if space is insufficient, save the document and ensure to include with BICON permit application. If you have any questions please contact

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Animal and Biological Import Assessment Branch
Phone: 1800 900 090 or Email

Section B: Importer and Manufacturer

1. Importer details

Importer company name

Import permit application number (if known)

Previous import permit number for this product (if applicable)

2. Manufacturer details (establishment where final product is made)

Name of manufacturer

Street address






If import documentation will be provided from an alternative location (e.g. head office) please provide details below.

3. Administrative Office details (Note: If different from Manufacturer details)

Administrative office

Street address






Section C: Product

4. Product details

Product name

Package type

Package size

End use

E.g. Ricotta and tomato pasta sauce

Glass Jar


Human Consumption

5. Product ingredients


Please list all ingredients below, including added water. Please include percentages adding up to 100%



Please include percentages adding up to the same % as the ingredient they form.

Species of origin

(animal/plant) or

Genus and species

(fungi / microbial)

Country of origin

Required for animal derived material only. The country in which the animals resided at the time of collection. Please note: the EU is not a country.


Please include:

- Pasteurisation parameters must be provided for all dairy/egg ingredients.

- heat treatments applied to the core of the meat, egg or baked goods.

- any additional heat treatments applied.

e.g. Chopped tomatoes


Not applicable

90⁰C for 30 seconds

e.g. Ricotta cheese



Bovine (cow)

Italy, Austria, Germany

Pasteurisation parameters: 72⁰C for 15 seconds


Bovine (cow)


Pasteurisation parameters: 72⁰C for 15 seconds


Bovine (cow)

Not required for plant ingredients

Pasteurisation parameters: 72⁰C for 15 seconds


e.g. Onion


e.g. Sunflower seed oil


Maltodextrin 2%

Not required

Not required for highly processed ingredients

Not required

e.g. Beef extract




100⁰C for 30 minutes

e.g. Flavouring:

Tomato Flavour


Natural flavouring

Substances 35-45%

Flavourings preparations <2%

Maltodextrin 50-60%

Silicon dioxide E551 5%

Arabic gum E414 <2%

Vegetable oils <2%


Yeast extracts (Saccharomyces spp.)

Potato (Solanum tuberosum)


Acacia spp.

Palm (Elaesis guineensis)

6. Manufacturing Overview (for all products)

Please insert here (electronically) either a manufacturing flow chart or a robust description of the manufacture of this product.

Check if Commercial-in-confidence information

Please provide an overview of how the above ingredients are combined to form the final product. Please include any additional treatments that the product is exposed to as part of the manufacturing process, for example:

  • Cooking - including minimum temperature held (in Celsius) and the minimum time held at this temperature

  • pH treatments - including pH value and minimum time held at this pH

  • Sterilisation - including thermocouple data gathered during the retort process

7. Dairy or meat traceability (for all products – if dairy or meat ingredient in the products)

Has the dairy or meat passed through any additional countries (other than the above specified country of origin and country of manufacture):



If yes, please provide details:

e.g. The ‘Whey Powder’ was processed in Croatia using milk collected from animals which resided in the USA.
The ‘Sweet Way’ was processed in the USA and then stored in Germany prior to being manufactured into the ‘Happy Infant Formula’.

8. Retort data (Basic parameters of the retort process should be recorded in this table – if product retorted/canned/sterilised)

Date of Retort

Weight of product

Machine type


e.g. 26 December 2013

e.g. 400 gram glass jar

e.g. Hydrostatic steriliser

9. Enzymes and Microorganisms (for all products – if enzyme or microorganism ingredients present)

Are any microorganisms used in the manufacture of the product:



If yes, please provide details:

e.g. The Flavourings preparations are derived from Yeast extracts (Saccharomyces spp.)

Are there any enzymes are used in the manufacture of the product?



If yes, please list enzyme/s used, % in final product and species of origin:

e.g. Product contains 0.1% lactase derived from bovine (cow).

Section D: Applicant declaration

To be completed by the Manufacturer listed in Section B of this application.

I declare that the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

If manufacturing processes change, so that product is no longer compliant with all conditions on the import permit, I will provide details of the change to the Australian importer so that a new application for import permit (or an application for amendment to the current import permit) can be submitted to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources


Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Full Name



Section E: Privacy notice

Personal information means any information or opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual.

Sensitive personal information means any information or opinion about an individuals racial or ethnic origin, political opinion or association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences or practices, trade or professional associations and memberships, union membership, criminal record, health or genetic information and biometric information or templates.

The collection of personal information by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) in relation to this application is for the purposes of assessing your application and related purposes. If the relevant personal information requested in this application is not provided by you, the department will be unable to assess your application.

Personal information may be disclosed to other Australian agencies, persons or organisations where necessary for these purposes, provided the disclosure is consistent with relevant laws, in particular the Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Privacy Principles.

By completing and submitting this form you consent to the collection of all personal information, including sensitive personal information, contained in this form. The departments Privacy Policy, including information about access to and correction of your personal information, is available on the departments website. To contact the department about your personal information or to make a complaint:

Phone +61 2 6272 3933


Post Privacy Contact Officer

Department of Agriculture

GPO Box 858

Canberra ACT 2601