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Veterinary certification for the importation of ovine and caprine embryos from New Zealand

Effective 25 June 2016 to 8 October 2016

NOTE: Veterinary certificates are negotiated directly between relevant government authorities. In cases where a veterinary certificate has not been negotiated, this annex can be used as the basis for developing a suitable document.

1. Approval of embryo collection team veterinarian for export to Australia

Name of approved centre where the embryos

were originally collected:

Name of centre veterinarian:

Address of approved centre:



2. Schmallenberg virus

No cases of disease caused by Schmallenberg virus have been detected or reported in New Zealand.

3. Scrapie

Scrapie – freedom assurance

3.1. The donors have lived only in a country or zone where:

  • scrapie has been compulsorily notifiable during the previous 6 years.

  • an effective and continuous national surveillance system is practiced

  • brains from clinically suspect animals are examined in a laboratory in accordance with the diagnostic techniques set out in the OIE Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines

  • the feeding of ruminant derived meat-and-bone meal to sheep and goats is banned

  • scrapie-affected sheep and goats are slaughtered and their carcasses disposed of in a manner that would reliably preclude the spread of scrapie infective agent (such as complete incineration)

  • all scrapie affected animals can be traced back to their herd of birth.

AND, either

3.2. the embryos were collected in New Zealand before 1 May 2016

3.3. MPI can certify that:

3.3.1. the embryos were collected on premises where genetic material imported after 1 May 2016 (except from Australia) has NOT been used for at least seven years, and

3.3.2. the donors;

  • are NOT descendants of genetic material imported after the 1 May 2016, and

  • since birth have NOT had direct or indirect contact (including using pastures and facilities) with sheep or goats that have had direct or indirect contact with, or, are descendants of genetic material imported after the 1 May 2016.


3.3.3. The donors originate from herds in which no case of scrapie has been confirmed or suspected during the 5 years immediately prior to embryo collection. All animals were identified and can be traced back to their herd of birth. Records of parentage, and movements of animals in and out of the herd, are maintained for a minimum period of 5 years. During the previous 5 years, introductions of goats or sheep were only permitted from herds with equivalent scrapie status. No animals have commingled with herds of lower scrapie status during the previous 5 years. No animals have commingled with goats or sheep during the 5 years immediately prior to collection.

[Applications will also be considered where information is available which would provide equivalent security for herd freedom for scrapie. Applications for this option must be made to Department of Agriculture through the Veterinary Administration of the exporting country.]


3.3.4. DNA testing

Before the export of the embryos, samples of blood or hair were collected from each donor (male and female) and labelled in accordance with the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals.

Samples from each donor will accompany this consignment to Australia.

[These samples are tested in Australia. Information on the collection and submission of samples for DNA testing must be obtained from the Australian laboratory conducting the DNA testing.]


3.3.5. Scrapie – post mortem

The donors were at least 5 years of age at the time of post mortem.

Before the export of the embryos each donor was autopsied under the supervision of an Official Veterinarian or a registered veterinary pathologist employed at a veterinary laboratory approved by the Veterinary Administration and acting under written instruction from the Official Veterinarian.

The donors gave a negative result to tests for scrapie prion protein (PrPsc) on specimens of brain, brain stem, spinal cord, palatine tonsils, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and distal ileum using immunohistochemical methods or techniques of equivalent sensitivity in accordance with procedures laid down by the Veterinary Administration for the detection of scrapie infective agent.

[This testing must be carried out at a laboratory approved by the Veterinary Administration to carry out testing for scrapie prion protein (PrPsc).]

[The attached table must include dates of sampling for test, type of tests used, test results.]


3.3.6. Scrapie – genotype (SHEEP ONLY)

The donors are of a homozygous PrP genotype known to be susceptible to scrapie, in relation to the particular breed of sheep (approved by Department of Agriculture), as verified in the attached certificate/s from a laboratory/laboratories officially approved by the Veterinary Administration to do PrP genotype testing.

[Breeds and genotypes permitted without consultation with Biosecurity Australia: Suffolk – QQ at Codon 171, and Cheviot, Texel, Charollais – VRQ/VRQ (at Codons 136/154/171).Requests for the importation of embryos from other breeds will be considered by Biosecurity Australia after receiving details of breed specific PrP genotype and scrapie susceptibility through the Veterinary Administration of the exporting country.]


3.3.7. Disinfection of equipment - Scrapie

Equipment that came in contact with the embryoswas either new or treated by a process recommended for the destruction of TSE infective agents prior to contacting the embryos, in accordance with the recommendations of the Veterinary Administration.

[TSE disinfection processes include autoclaving at 136 degrees C for 1 hour or soaking in a 2 percent available chlorine solution (equivalent to 20,000 ppm) for 1 hour. (from Appendix 2 USDA Voluntary Scrapie Flock Certification Program Standards)]


3.3.8. Post arrival requirements

On arrival in Australia under the supervision of a biosecurity officer the hair/fleece and/or blood samples from each male and female donor will be submitted to a Department recognised laboratory for storage. The Department may order that these samples be tested at a later date. All testing will be carried out at the importer’s expense. Storage of all samples is at the importers expense.

4. Each donor (both male and female) resided only on properties where tuberculosis had not been diagnosed in sheep or goats during the 3 years immediately prior to collection.

5. Each sheep donor (both male and female):

  • originated from a flock Accredited Free from Brucella ovis infection, or

  • during the period between 14 days immediately prior to embryo collection and export gave a negative result to a complement fixation test or ELISA for Brucella ovis infection.

[The veterinary certificate must indicate the option that applies. The attached table must include dates of sampling for test, type of tests used, test results.]

6. Each donor (both male and female) was individually marked and isolated (no nose to nose contact) from other sheep or goats not of equivalent health status from 7 days before the first collection until the last collection of embryos. Donors were inspected by the team veterinarian and certified as being clinically healthy:

  • within 48 hours before the first collection

  • within 48 hours after collection the final collection of embryos.

7. The embryos in this consignment were fertilised:

  • by a male with the same health status as the donor females,

  • with semen collected at a semen collection centre approved by NZ MAF to collect ovine or caprine semen for export,

  • with semen of Australian origin that, whilst in New Zealand, was stored in containers with no biological material other than semen, embryos or ova of equivalent health status.

[The veterinary certificate must indicate the option that applies.]

8. The embryos in this consignment were collected, processed, identified and stored in accordance with the procedures detailed in the current Manual of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS).

9. The embryos in this consignment were not subjected to micromanipulation involving breaching of the zona pellucida and all had intact zona pellucida at the time of storage.

10. Storage at Approved Centre(s) or Laboratory(ies)

From the time of collection until export, the reproductive material in this consignment was stored:

  • in sealed containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) and identified in a legible and non-erasable manner as specified in this veterinary certificate

  • only with other embryos or semen collected for export to Australia, or of equivalent health status

  • in a secure place within an approved centre or laboratory and under the supervision of the Approved Veterinarian(s), and

  • in containers containing only new, unused liquid nitrogen.

11. Further processing or aggregation

For this reproductive material, either:

11.1. After leaving the approved centre under seal in shipping containers (liquid nitrogen shippers/tanks), the reproductive material was NOT removed from sealed containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) for further processing or removed from the shipping container(s) for aggregation with other reproductive material,


11.2. Reproductive material was shipped to another approved centre or laboratory under seal in shipping containers (liquid nitrogen shippers/tanks) and removed from sealed containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) for further processing (e.g. sex sorting) or for aggregation:

with other reproductive material collected for export to Australia, or of equivalent health status

at an approved centre or laboratory, and

under the supervision of the Approved Veterinarian(s).

The date(s) of transfer between the approved centre(s) or laboratory(ies), reason for transfer(s) (e.g. for sex sorting), name(s) of the approved centre(s) or laboratory(ies) and the Approved Veterinarian(s) are listed against the shipping container/s on this certificate before departure from the approved centre or laboratory. The unique seal number of each shipping container is included in this documentation.

NOTE: For transfers to another approved centre or laboratory, the Approved Veterinarian must ensure the shipping containers are transferred under seal as described below:

Date of transfer...................................

Reason for transfer..................................................................................................................

Name of approved centre/laboratory...................................................................................................

Approved veterinarian(s)...........................................................................................................

Shipping container seal number(s).........................................................................................................

[The veterinary certificate must indicate the option that applies.]

12. Shipping containers (Liquid nitrogen shippers/tanks)

12.1. The shipping container was new


12.2. Prior to loading, the shipping container was emptied and inspected and any loose straws removed. The shipping container, including all surfaces in contact with the straws, ampoules or vials was then disinfected with one of the following disinfectants: 2% available chlorine (e.g. chlorine bleach), 2% Virkon or irradiated at 50 kGy.

Date of disinfection/ irradiation………………………………………………………...

Disinfectant used/ active ingredient…………………………………………………….

[The veterinary certificate must indicate the option that applies. For used shipping containers, the date of disinfection, the disinfectant used and its active chemical must be recorded on the health certificate.]

13. Official Government Seals

Under the supervision of an Official Veterinarian prior to export to Australia:

  • the containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) for reproductive material in this consignment were checked as being sealed.

  • the identity of the reproductive material was checked prior to being placed into new, unused liquid nitrogen in a shipping container for export that was new or disinfected as specified in this veterinary certificate

  • Only reproductive material that met Australian import conditions was added to the shipping container

  • The shipping container was sealed with an official government seal and the number or mark on the seal recorded on the certificate.

Shipping container official government seal number…………………………………...............