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Health certification for live marine fish from approved countries

Effective 3 June 2016 to 22 October 2016

1. Only finfish listed in the list of permitted live marine fish suitable for import are included in this consignment, and are documented on the attached invoice.

2. The fish in the consignment have been inspected within seven (7) days prior to export and show no clinical signs of infectious disease or pests.

3. The fish were exported from premises approved to export marine fish to Australia by a Department of Agriculture recognised competent authority of the exporting country.

[Standards for the approval of export premises are included in the department’s import permit.]

4. The fish were collected from an area at least 5 kilometres from any finfish aquaculture operation and the fish in the consignment have not come into contact with water, equipment or fish associated with farmed food fish (fish farmed for human consumption including recreational fishing).

5. The fish are not sourced from a population associated with any significant infectious disease or pests and there have not been any outbreaks of infectious fish disease or pests in the areas from which the fish have been collected during the 6 months prior to collection.

6. The fish are wild caught and have not been bred or hatched on a farm or other premises.