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Pest management measures for nectarines from China

Effective 28 May 2016 to 29 November 2017

Quarantine Pest

Pest Management Measure

Bactrocera dorsalis (oriental fruit fly)

Bactrocera correcta (guava fruit fly)

  1. Fruit sourced from a pest free area recognised and approved by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

    Note: the department recognises that north of the latitude 33rd degree is free of tephritid fruit flies.

  2. Cold treatment (undertaken either preshipment or in-transit) under one of the following schedules:

    2.1. at 0.99 °C or below for 15 days, or
    2.2. at 1.38 °C or below for 18 days, or
    2.3. at 1.67 °C or below for 20 days.

Drosophila suzukii (spotted wing drosophila)

  1. Fruit sourced from a pest free area recognised and approved by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

    Note: The province of Xinjiang is currently the only approved pest free area.

  2. Fruit produced under a systems approach specific to this pest and which includes cold treatment (undertaken either preshipment or in-transit) under one of the following schedules:

    2.1. at 0.99 °C or below for 15 days, or
    2.2. at 1.38 °C or below for 18 days, or
    2.3. at 1.67 °C or below for 20 days.

Anarsia lineatella (peach twig borer)

Carposina sasakii (peach fruit borer)

Grapholita funebrana (plum fruit moth)

Grapholita molesta* (oriental fruit moth)

Fruit produced under a systems approach specific to these pests.

*Note: Measures for Grapholita molesta are only required for nectarines exported to Western Australia.

Frankliniella intonsa (Eurasian flower thrips)

Frankliniella occidentalis* (western flower thrips)

Pseudococcus comstocki (comstock’s mealybug)

Amphitetranychus viennensis (hawthron spider mite)

Adoxophyes orana (summerfruit tortrix)

Argyrotaenia ljungiana (grape tortrix)

Spilonota albicana (white fruit moth)

Commercial production practices and phytosanitary inspection by General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ).

*Note: Measures for Frankliniella occidentalis only required for nectarines exported to the Northern Territory.

Monilinia fructigena

Monilinia yunnanensis

Monilia mumecola

Monilia polystorma

(brown rots)

Fruit produced under a systems approach specific to these pests.

plum pox virus (PPV)

Fruit sourced from a pest free area and recognised and approved by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

Note: the department recognises all provinces in China, apart from the province of Hunan as free of PPV.