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Propagatable approved species of flowers and foliage and permitted countries

Effective 14 April 2016 to 20 July 2016

Botanical name

Common name

Permitted source/country

Brunia spp.

All countries

Calathea lancifolia (syn: Calathea insignis) (foliage)

Note: Devitalisation is not required if leaves do not contain stem material.

All countries

Callistemon spp.

Bottle brush

New Zealand only

Callistephus chinensis


All countries

Chrysanthemum spp.


Indonesia, Colombia, Israel, Malaysia, Netherlands, South Africa, Republic Of; Vietnam, Zimbabwe

India (flower head and petals only - excluding stems)

Codiaeum variegatum (syn. Croton variegates)

Note: Croton leaves do not require devitalisation treatment, whereas stems require devitalisation.

All countries

Cordyline spp.

Note: Foliage with stem permitted

Singapore, Malaysia

Dianthus spp.


All countries

Dracaena spp. (with stem)

Note: Exempt from devitalisation. Not exempt from fumigation due to mosquito risk.

Dracaena, Dragon tree

Singapore, Malaysia

Hypericum spp.

Note: Hypericum x indorum Flair varieties are permitted with berries or fruits attached.

All countries

Oxypetalum spp. (syn. Tweedia spp.)

Baby blue

All countries

Rhapis spp.

Note: Leaves and fronds do not require devitalisation, however leaves attached to a basal stem will require devitalisation.

Countries other than Canada, USA and European countries.

Rosa spp.


Countries other than Canada, USA and European countries.

Ruscus spp. (foliage)

All countries

Tweedia spp. (syn. Oxpetalum spp.

Baby blue

All countries

Viburnum spp.

From origins other than Canada, USA and European countries.

Viola spp.


All countries