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Table 2 - restricted dried herb species (permit required)

Effective 28 January 2016 to 14 October 2016

The following species are permitted with an import permit


Permitted Dried Plant Material

Alternanthera philoxeroides

Root, rhizome

Ambrosia spp.

Root, rhizome

Amsinckia spp.

Root, rhizome

Cleistocalyx operculatus

Herb, leaf

Gleditsia sinensis

All parts other than seed, fruit and bark

Glycine max


Opuntia cylindrica

Stem, root

Opuntia dillenii

Stem, root

Opuntia ficus-indica

Stem, root

Pennisetum purpureum

Leaf, stem, flower, root

Phaseolus spp.

Herb, leaf, flower, root

Saccharum spp. (exlcuding Saccharum officinarum)

Herb, leaf, stem, flower, root

Salvinia auriculata

Leaf, stem, root

Salvinia minima

Leaf, stem, root

Salvinia molesta

Leaf, stem, root