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Treatment: Equivalent heat treatment for chicken meat

Effective 23 February 2024

The following treatments are approved by the Director of Biosecurity for the treatment of chicken meat for human consumption:

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

Low pathogenic avian influenza in poultry

Required heat treatment:

70°C for not less than one minute

Equivalent heat treatments (minimum core temperature and time):

An equivalent treatment has not yet been approved.

Newcastle disease

Required heat treatment:

70°C for not less than 8.2 minute

Equivalent heat treatments (minimum core temperature and time):

An equivalent treatment has not yet been approved.

Infectious bursal disease

Required heat treatment:

8C for not less than 125 minutes

Equivalent heat treatments (minimum core temperature and time):

74°C for 165 minutes, or
80°C for 125 minutes, or
85°C for 96 minutes, or
90°C for 70 minutes, or
95°C for 48 minutes, or
100°C for 30 minutes, or
105°C for 18 minutes, or
110°C for 12 minutes, or
115°C for 7 minutes, or
120°C for 3.6 minutes, or
121.1°C for 2.8 minutes.

Salmonella pullorum

Salmonella gallinarum

Recognised pathogenic phage types of Salmonella enteriditis

Multidrug resistant Salmonella typhimurium

Required heat treatment:

7C for not less than 2.5 minutes

Equivalent heat treatments (minimum core temperature and time):

An equivalent treatment has not yet been approved.