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Hantavirus testing

Effective 6 October 2023

Hantavirus testing

  1. The colony was tested with negative results for hantavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or multiplex fluorescent immunoassay (MFI).

    Animals tested were at least eight weeks of age.

    The number of animals tested provided 99% confidence of detecting disease at 25% prevalence.

    Laboratory reports must be provided and include:

    1.1. The number of animals in the colony.

    1.2. The number of animals tested.

    1.3. The date of blood collection.


  2. Sentinels were tested with negative results for hantavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or multiplex fluorescent immunoassay (MFI).

    Sentinels of the same species, 8-12 weeks of age were placed with the colony and remained in contact for a minimum of 45 days but not more than 120 days prior to testing.

    An appropriate number of sentinels were tested to provide 99% confidence of detecting disease at 25% prevalence. Note: A few additional sentinels should be added to the colony to allow for incidental losses.
    Laboratory reports must be provided and include:

    2.1. The number of animals in the colony.

    2.2. The date of introduction of sentinels.

    2.3. The number of sentinels tested.

    2.4. The date of blood collection.