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Guideline: Pest risk management measures for quarantine pests of whole pomegranate from India (Gy)

Effective 16 February 2024

Scientific name

Common name


Fruit flies

Bactrocera carambolae

Carambola fruit fly

Irradiation at 150 Gy

Bactrocera dorsalis

Oriental fruit fly

Bactrocera zonata

Peach fruit fly

Other fruit flies of economic significance

Scale insect

Drosicha dalbergiae

Almond mealybug

Irradiation at 400 Gy


Tenuipalpus granati

False spider mite

Appropriate packing house practices combined with pre-export visual inspection and, if found, remedial action a

Tenuipalpus punicae

False spider mite


Frankliniella occidentalis (RA, NT)

Western flower thrips

Irradiation at 400 Gy

Scirtothrips dorsalis (RA)

Chilli thrips

Scirtothrips oligochaetus

Mangosteen thrips


Dysmicoccus neobrevipes

Grey pineapple mealybug

Irradiation at 400 Gy

Paracoccus marginatus

Papaya mealybug

Planococcus ficus

Vine mealybug


Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae

Bacterial blight of pomegranate

Systems approach

a Remedial action (by the Indian NPPO) may include applying approved treatment to the consignment to ensure that the pest is no longer viable or withdrawing the consignment from export to Australia.
RA: Regulated article, refer to Section 4.4 of the Final Report for fresh pomegranate for definition of a Regulated article.
NT: Pest of biosecurity concern for Northern Territory.