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List: Pest risk management measures for quarantine pests of citrus from Israel

Effective 21 February 2023


Common name


Fruit Fly

Ceratitis capitata

Mediterranean fruit fly

For either pre-shipment or in-transit cold treatment, exporters may nominate one of the treatment schedules listed below

  • 1.11°C for not less than 14 consecutive days, or
  • 1.67°C for not less than 16 consecutive days, or
  • 2.22°C for not less than 18 consecutive days, or
  • 3.0°C for not less than 20 consecutive days


Phoma tracheiphila (synonym
Deuterophoma tracheiphil)

Mal secco

Sourced from a pest free place of production

Other arthropods

Aleurothrixus floccosus

Woolly whitefly

Pre-export inspection and remedial action if required

Aphis fabae

Black bean aphid

Euzopherodes vapidella

Citrus stub moth

Parabemisia myricae (WA)

Japanese bayberry whitefly

Parlatoria pergandii (WA)

Chaff scale

Chrysomphalus dictyospermi (WA)

Spanish red scale