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Post-arrival requirements for psittacine household pet birds imported from New Zealand

Effective 11 July 2022

  1. The bird(s) must be transported directly from the first point of entry to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry approved post-arrival quarantine (PAQ) premises by the most direct route.
  2. The bird(s) must be confined indoors at the premises approved by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry prior to import. The premises must meet the following requirements:

    2.1. be conveniently located for supervision by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

    2.2. no birds, other than those imported on the same import permit, may be held at the PAQ premises

    2.3. must contain a quarantine area that meets the required standards provided in point 3 below.

  3. The PAQ premises must contain a dedicated quarantine area that meets the following requirements:

    3.1. entirely indoors and enclosed (no exterior opening doors)

    3.2. must securely contain the bird and prevent escape, e.g., bird must remain within a secure cage, within a secure room

    3.3 mosquito proof (must provide 2 mosquito-proof barriers e.g., mosquito-proof door to room plus mosquito gauze over cage)

    3.4 prevents contact between the quarantined bird(s) and any other birds

    3.5 suitable for housing the bird(s) and their waste for at least 45 days.

  4. During the entire 45-day period of isolation after arrival in Australian territory the bird(s):

    4.1. must be confined in the approved mosquito-proofed quarantine area

    4.2. must not be exposed to any other birds or people who have contact with other birds. The examining registered veterinarian is exempt from this exclusion

    4.3. must not leave the approved premises for any reason without approval from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

  5. All waste generated during PAQ must be stored within the PAQ quarantine area until the quarantine period is complete. Waste includes (but is not limited to) droppings, seed husks, uneaten seed and other food, feathers, dander, cage lining materials and equipment.
  6. During the 45-day period of isolation the owners must have no contact with other birds and must prevent contact by other people who have contact with birds, other than the examining registered veterinarian.
  7. The owner must notify the biosecurity officer within 24 hours of death or illness in the bird(s). The biosecurity officer must also be notified within 24 hours of any escapes during the 45 days post arrival quarantine period.
  8. During post arrival quarantine, a veterinarian must examine the bird(s) at the PAQ premises a minimum of 38 days after arrival of the bird(s).

    8.1. The owner will arrange for the examination, provide all reasonable assistance to facilitate that process and pay the costs involved.

    8.2. The veterinarian will examine for any clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease, including any lesions suggestive of avian pox.

    8.3. Lesions suggestive of avian pox in psittacine birds must be shown not to be caused by psittacine pox virus.

    8.4. Any testing required must be performed by a laboratory approved by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

    8.5. The veterinarian must follow personal biosecurity protocols including wearing clean protective clothing and hand hygiene.

    8.6. The veterinarian will provide a report on the provided template stating the results of the examination for infectious or contagious disease to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry supervising veterinary officer.

  9. If there is suspicion of infectious or contagious disease in the bird(s) under PAQ, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry veterinary officer must be notified and the bird(s) will remain in isolation. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry veterinary officer, in consultation with the approved laboratory, may require further testing or examinations.
  10. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry veterinary officer shall require all birds that die during the post arrival quarantine period to be submitted to the approved laboratory for disease investigation at the owner’s cost.

    Note: In the event of any imported bird showing evidence of disease or producing a positive result to any tests undertaken after arrival in Australia, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry may require any or all of the birds to be either detained in the approved premises for further testing, be placed in a government quarantine facility or euthanised.