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Guideline: Application requirements for Hot water dipping

Effective 6 September 2022

Fruit fly management using hot water dip treatment (HWDT)

Mangoes must be treated prior to export by submersion in hot water under the supervision of an officer authorised by the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO).

  1. Hot water dipping facilities must be registered with the exporting NPPO.
  2. The exporting NPPO is required to ensure that registered treatment providers are suitably equipped and have systems in place to carry out the treatment in accordance with the agreed protocol or work plan between the exporting NPPO and the department.
  3. Approved facilities are listed on BICON or on exporting NPPO websites.
  4. The approved treatment schedule for HWDT is listed below.
  5. Fruit must be pre-sorted by weight class prior to treatment and submersed according to the approved treatment schedule.
  6. Hot water dipping treated fruit must be packed into cartons under insect proof conditions.

For rounded fruit varieties (e.g. Tommy Atkins, Kent, Hayden and Keitt), at a water temperature of 46.1°C:

Fruit weight (grams)

Dip time* (minutes)

Up to 500


500 to 700


701 to 900


*The dip time must be extended for an additional 10 minutes if hydro-cooling starts immediately after the hot water immersion treatment.

For flat varieties (e.g. Frances, Ataulfo, Manila)

Maximum fruit weight

Water temperature

Treatment time

Up to 375 grams

46.1°C or higher

65 min

376 - 570 grams

46.1°C or higher

75 min

  1. The temperature of 46.1°C or higher must be reached before the treatment time starts.
  2. Fruit must be submerged at least 10 centimetres below the water surface.
  3. The minimum temperature during the HWD treatment is 45.4°C.
  4. For treatments lasting 75 minutes, temperatures may fall as low as 45.4°C for no more than 10 minutes.
  5. For treatments lasting 90 minutes or more, temperatures may fall as low as 45.4°C for no more than 15 minutes.
  6. HWD treated mangoes must be packed into cartons under insect proof conditions.
  7. Only packing sheds with combined on-site packing and screened treatment facilities may pack fruit for Australia.
  8. All activities within packing sheds will be subject to supervision by an officer authorised by the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO).
  9. Treated mangoes that are directly exported or are transported via the United States of America in refrigerated vehicles before packing into air or sea containers must be transported under secure conditions.