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Information: Pest risk management measures for quarantine pests of fresh lemons from the USA

Effective 10 February 2022 to 6 January 2024


Common Name


Fruit Fly

Bactrocera dorsalis

Oriental fruit fly

County Area freedom OR
An area located in excess of 15kilometres from an exotic fruit fly declared area OR
Cold treatment of at least 14 days at 0 °C ± 0.5 °C

Ceratitis capitata

Mediterranean fruit fly

Anastrepha suspensa

Caribbean fruit fly

Anastrepha ludens

Mexican fruit fly


Diaphorina citri

Asian citrus psyllid

Approved packinghouse measures including washing, brushing, and waxing. A system to monitor for ACP must also be applied at the pack houses.


Elsinoe australis

Sweet Orange scab

Area freedom
If sourced from counties where orange scab is known to occur washing, brushing, surface disinfection, fungicide treatment and waxing must occur in APHIS approved packinghouses


Aleurothrixus floccosus

Woolly whitefly

Pre-export inspection and if detected remedial action

Amyelois transitella

Navel orange worm

Aphis fabae

Black bean aphid

Argyrotaenia citrana

Orange tortrix

Caliothrips fasciatus

Bean thrips

Eotetranychus yumensis

Yuma spider mite

Frankliniella occidentalis

Western flower thrips

Homalodisca coagulata

Glassy winged sharp shooter

Parabemisia myricae

Bayberry whitefly

Platynota stultana

Omnivorous leaf roller

Pseudococcus maritimus

Grapevine mealybug

Scirtothrips citri

Citrus thrips


Alternaria alternata pv. citri

Alternaria brown spot