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Guideline: Pest Risk Management measures for quarantine pests of mangoes from Mexico

Effective 13 October 2021 to 6 September 2022


Common name


Fruit Fly

Anastrepha spp.

South American fruit fly

Pre-export irradiation at 150Gy

Ceratitis capitata

Mediterranean fruit fly

Other fruit flies of economic significance


Dysmicoccus neobrevipes

Grey pineapple mealybug

Pre-export visual inspection and, if found, remedial action a

Paracoccus marginatus

Papaya mealybug

Planococcus minor

Citrus mealybug

Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi

Jack Beardsley mealybug

Quarantine pests other than fruit flies or mealybugs

Pre-export visual inspection and, if found, remedial action a

a Remedial action includes treatment of the consignment to ensure that the pest is no longer viable or withdrawal of the consignment from export to Australia.