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Certificate: Veterinary certification requirements for live amphibians for laboratory purposes

Effective 30 October 2021

Note: Veterinary certificates are negotiated directly between relevant government authorities. In cases where a veterinary certificate has not been negotiated, this annex can be used as the basis for developing a suitable document.

These requirements apply to members of the class Amphibia including frogs, toads, caecilians, newts and salamanders (including axolotls) of reproductive stages including tadpoles, larvae and adults for laboratory purposes.

This certificate may be prepared by the veterinarian responsible for the colony/facility and must be countersigned by an official veterinarian of the exporting country.

  1. The premises of origin must be a government approved facility for the holding of amphibians.
  2. As far as can be determined, no case of ranavirus infection (including frog virus 3, Redwood Park virus, Regina ranavirus) or ranid herpesvirus has been diagnosed at the premises of origin during the 12 months prior to export.
  3. A veterinarian, or person recognised as having expertise in the diagnosis of disease in amphibians, has inspected each animal within 72 hours prior to export and found them to be free of external parasites, healthy and fit to travel.