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Information: Application requirements for irradiation

Effective 30 October 2021

  1. Irradiation facilities must be registered with the exporting NPPO and the relevant national nuclear regulatory agency.

  2. The exporting NPPO is required to ensure that registered treatment providers are suitably equipped and have systems in place to carry out the treatment in accordance with:

    2.1. ISPM 18: Guidelines for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure (FAO 2019c)

    2.2. Regional Phytosanitary Standard (RSPM): Guidelines for the Use of Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Treatment (NAPPO, 1997)

    2.3. Manual of Good Practice in Food Irradiation (IAEA, 2015)

    2.4. Australian phytosanitary treatment application standard for irradiation treatment (Commonwealth of Australia, 2018).