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Systems approach: Management of Drosophila suzukii

Effective 15 October 2021 to 1 July 2022

Systems approach for the management of Drosophila suzukii

The General Administration of Quality Supervision- China Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ-CIQ) has primary responsibility for coordinating and supervising the systems approach to manage the above listed pest

Key components of the systems approach are:

  1. Trap monitoring
  2. Orchard management
  3. Trap and kill
  4. Chemical control
  5. Joint prevention and control (regional management)
  6. Harvesting maturity
  7. Quarantine inspection prior to export and withdrawal from export of the pest is found.
  8. Post-harvest cold treatment, as per schedules below for Bactrocera dorsalis (oriental fruit fly) and Bactrocera correcta (guava fruit fly). Cold treatment may be in transit or pre-export.

Cold treatment schedules

0.99°C or below for 15 days, or
1.38°C or below for 18 days, or
1.67°C or below for 20 days.

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) will conduct phytosanitary fruit inspection on arrival. If any of the listed pests are detected, the consignment will be rejected. Chinese NPPO is required to arrange for trace back to identify the source orchard and the source orchard must be excluded from export to Australia for that season or the remainder of the season.