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Guideline: Pest risk management measures for table grapes from India

Effective 14 October 2021 to 1 July 2022


Common name

Agreed measures


Planococcus ficus (EP)

Grapevine mealybug

Visual inspection and, if detected, remedial action (for example methyl bromide fumigation).

Planococcus lilacinus (EP)

Downey snowline mealybug

Planococcus minor (EP)

Coffee mealybug

Rastrococcus iceryoides (EP)

Downey snowline mealybug

Tetranychus kanzawai (EP, WA)

Kanzawa spider mite

Archips machlopis

Leaf rolling moth

Retithrips syriacus (EP)

Black vine thrips

Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus (EP)

Grapevine thrips

Drosophila suzukii

Spotted wing drosophila

Cold treatment performed in-transit, under one of the following schedules:

  • at 10 days or more at a pulp temperature of less than 0°C, or
  • at 11 days or more at a pulp temperature of less than 0.56°C, or
  • at 12 days or more at a pulp temperature of less than 1.11°C, or
  • at 14 days or more at a pulp temperature of less than 1.67°C

Bactrocera correcta (EP)

Bactrocera dorsalis (EP)

Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (EP)

Grapevine phylloxera

Sulphur pads

A sulphur pad with proven efficacy against D. vitifoliae must be packed inside the plastic liner of all cartons of table grapes for export to Australia. The sulphur pads must be a registered product containing a minimum of 970 grams per kilogram anhydrous sodium metabisulphite used at the rate specified on the label.


Guignardia bidwellii (EP)

Black rot

Systems approach

Monilinia fructigena (EP)

Brown rot

Phakopsora euvitis (EP)

Grapevine leaf rust