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Requirement: Conditions governing entry of fresh mangosteen fruit to Australia

Effective 13 October 2021


Export orchards:

  1. All fresh mangosteen fruit for export to Australian territory must be sourced from export orchards registered with the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of the exporting country.
  2. Orchards must be registered before export can commence.


  1. All pack-houses packing mangosteen fruit for export to Australian territory must be registered with the NPPO of the exporting country.
  2. Pack-house registration must include a NPPO audit program – which will verify that the pack-house is suitably equipped to carry out the required mangosteen fruit cleaning and phytosanitary inspections.
  3. All cleaning of mangosteen fruits for the management of mealybugs and black ants must be conducted within the registered pack-house.
  4. NPPO phytosanitary inspections (including the targeted inspection for freedom from mealybugs and black ants) must be performed within registered pack-houses.


  1. Mangosteen fruits for export to Australian territory will be required to be harvested at the mature stage (pink to maroon).
  2. Mangosteen fruits for export to Australian territory will be required to have the skin intact, with no pre-harvest crack, puncture, pulled stem or other break that penetrates through to the flesh and has not healed with callus tissue.


  1. All packing facilities and treatment providers receiving, processing and treating mangosteen fruit for export to Australian territory must be registered with the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of the exporting country.
  2. Registered packing facilities and treatment facilities should be audited by the NPPO prior to the commencement of each season to verify that premises are suitably equipped to meet Australia's import requirements.
  3. Fruit sourced for Australian territory must be packed at maturity index 2 or 3 (green to pink colour) as specified in the "Final report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for fresh mangosteen fruit from Indonesia" (IRA).
  4. Fruit received at the packing facilities must be inspected and sorted by facility staff to ensure fruit of the correct maturity is processed for Australia.
  5. Fruit must be undamaged and free of any cracks or insect entry points or bite/puncture marks on the surface.