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Requirement: Post-entry requirements for growth of imported medium risk nursery stock plant material

Effective 30 November 2021 to 1 July 2022

  1. During growth in quarantine, all plants must be inspected by a biosecurity officer for disease symptoms, twice:

    1.1. Once during the active growing period.

    1.2. A final inspection must occur no more than seven days prior to release.

    (Note: Plants must be grown under conditions conducive to new leaf growth and must show signs of active growth prior to inspection to facilitate the identification of any disease symptoms. In the event that an exotic pest or disease is detected, Plant Import Operations, Canberra office must be contacted for further advice.)
  2. The importer or approved arrangement site operator is responsible for notifying the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment regional office of the plant material reaching the inspection stages in point one above.
  3. All imported plant material must be clearly labelled with the relevant entry number and import permit number and date of arrival in the facility.
  4. All imported plant material must be clearly segregated within the facility by date of importation.
  5. All plants in the facility must be held on a single-tiered mesh platform raised off the floor to allow for drainage and maintenance.
  6. Benches and plants must be separated to allow access for biosecurity inspection. Plants are not to be over-crowded so as to impede their inspection by a biosecurity officer.
  7. The approved arrangement site must have an integrated pest management and weed management program effective for controlling insect pests and weeds. The integrated pest management program must include the following:

    7.1. The importer or the approved arrangement site operator must inspect the imported plants at regular intervals (e.g. at least weekly) for any insects or disease symptoms. A logbook must be maintained, detailing the date and nature of these inspections. This logbook must be made available to the biosecurity officer during the mandatory department inspections. If any pest or disease symptoms are detected, the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment regional office must be contacted immediately and the plants must be retained for inspection by the biosecurity officer.

    7.2. Monitoring of imported material for insects using sticky traps (yellow), one trap must be used for every 15 m² of growing area in closed quarantine. Sticky traps must be hung just above the plants.

    7.3. One trap must be placed by vents and by doors to detect populations migrating into the quarantine facility.

    7.4. Traps must be replaced if they get dirty or crowded with insects. Sticky traps must be retained for inspection by the biosecurity officer.
  8. All weeds within and surrounding the quarantine facility must be managed.
  9. Detailed records of all plant material held in the quarantine facility must be maintained to such an extent that the department is able to accurately trace the fate of consignments. These records must be presented to the biosecurity officer at the time of inspection. Records must include:

    9.1. Import permit number.

    9.2. Entry number.

    9.3. Date of arrival.

    9.4. Number and species/variety of plants imported.

    9.5. Number of deaths in post entry quarantine.

    9.6. Numbers of plants disposed of, with reason for their disposal.

    9.7. Numbers of plants released from biosecurity control by the biosecurity officer.
  10. During growth in quarantine, imported plant material shall not to be pruned or propagated or multiplied without prior written permission from a biosecurity officer.
    (Note: Generally permission will only be granted for propagations/cuttings to be taken after the imported plants have had their first inspection by a biosecurity officer and no disease concerns have been identified.)

    10.1. Records must be maintained of all additional propagations/multiplications undertaken including dates cuttings were taken.

    10.2. Any propagations/multiplications/cuttings are also subject to the conditions outlined here and must remain in the facility until released from biosecurity control by a biosecurity officer.

    10.3. All propagations/multiplications must be clearly labelled so that they can be linked back to the parent plant from which they originated from.

    10.4. All cutting implements used must remain in the quarantine facility and must be sterilised prior to and after their use.
  11. Any plant that dies or fails to establish while in quarantine must be retained and referred to the biosecurity officer.
  12. All spent and unwanted plant material must be disposed of by a department approved method.
  13. The quarantine facility must be maintained in a hygienic condition e.g. leaf litter, plant debris, algae, moss, etc. must not be allowed to build up to an extent whereby it impedes inspection of plants or creates an environment conducive for pest or disease establishment and spread.
  14. Fungicides are not to be used on plants without prior approval from a biosecurity officer.
  15. If further imports are expected or there are other plants still undergoing growth in quarantine, all plants that have been released from biosecurity control shall be removed from the facility.