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Guideline: Pest risk management measures for table grapes from Sonora, Mexico

Effective 8 October 2021 to 17 November 2021

Pest risk management measures for biosecurity pests and pests of human health concern, for table grapes from Sonora, Mexico


Common name

Agreed measures

Anastrepha fraterculus

South American fruit fly

Area freedom

Ceratitis capitata

Mediterranean fruit fly

Drosophila suzukii

Spotted wing drosophila

Area freedom

Daktulosphaira vitifoliae

Grapevine phylloxera

Sulphur pads (A suphur pad with proven efficacy against D. vitifoliae must be packed inside the plastic liner of all cartons of table grapes for export to Australia.

Guignardia bidwellii

Black rot

Systems approach

Cheiracanthium inclusum

Yellow sac spider

SO2/CO2 pre-shipment fumigation with a mixture of one per cent sulphur dioxide (SO2) and six per cent carbon dioxide (CO2) by volume for a minimum of 30 minutes delivered using forced air at a fruit pulp temperature of 15.6 degrees Celsius or greater. The chamber load must not exceed 30 per cent.

Latrodectus hesperus

Black widow spider

Harmonia axyridis

Harlequin ladybird

Visual inspection pre-export by SENASICA. If detected, remedial action required which may include SENASICA withdrawing the consignment from export to Australia or applying an approved treatment to the consignment to ensure that the pest is no longer viable.

Homalodisca vitripennis

Glassy-winged sharpshooter

Draeculacephala minerva

Green sharpshooter

Graphocephala atropunctata

Blue-green sharpshooter

Planococcus ficus

Grapevine mealybug

Planococcus minor (WA)

Pacific mealybug

Pseudococcus comstocki

Comstock mealybug

Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi

Jack Beardsley mealybug

Pseudococcus maritimus

American grape mealybug

Platynota stultana

Omnivorous leafroller

Tetranychus kanzawai (WA)

Kanzawa spider mite

Caliothrips fasciatus

Bean thrips

Drepanothrips reuteri

Grape thrips

Frankliniella occidentalis (NT)

Western flower thrips

(WA) Pest of biosecurity concern for Western Australia.

(NT) Pest of biosecurity concern for Northern Territory.

The department may suspend, revoke or vary any permits issued in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2015 S181.