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Information: Area freedom for South American fruit fly and Mediterranean fruit fly

Effective 17 November 2021 to 1 July 2022

Area freedom for South American fruit fly (Anastrepha fraterculus) and mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata)

May 2017

Mexico’s National Agro-Alimentary Health, Safety and Quality Service - General Management of Vegetable Safety (SENASICA-DGSV) is to be responsible for maintaining area freedom which includes monitoring and trapping for fruit flies and regulating the movement of risk material on an ongoing basis. SENASICA-DGSV would be required to notify the department of a detection of any fruit fly species (Tephritidae) of economic importance in Sonora within 48 hours. The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) would then assess the species and number of individual flies detected and the circumstances of the detection, before advising SENASICA-DGSV of the action to be taken.

In the case of an outbreak of a fruit fly of economic importance in Sonora, table grapes sourced from the area within a certain distance of the outbreak area (suspension area) will require a mandatory treatment for the fruit fly species contributing to the outbreak. In the case of an outbreak of A. fraterculus or C. capitata, table grapes sourced from the area within a 7.5 kilometre radius of the outbreak area will require a mandatory treatment for the relevant species. In the case of an outbreak of any other fruit fly species of economic importance, an appropriate suspension area would need to be agreed on between the department and SENASICA-DGSV.

SENASICA-DGSV is required to report to the department of any actions undertaken, including eradication activities. Reinstatement of the area freedom status will be subject to the joint investigation between SENASICA-DGSV and the department on the eradication outcomes.

Department officers will conduct phytosanitary fruit inspection on arrival. If any fruit flies of economic importance are detected at on-arrival inspection, trade would be suspended immediately, pending the outcome of an investigation.