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Certificate: Veterinary certificate for the export of equine semen from the US to Australia

Effective 15 April 2020 to 26 October 2021

NOTE: Veterinary certificates are negotiated directly between relevant government authorities. In cases where a veterinary certificate has not been negotiated, this annex can be used as the basis for developing a suitable document.

Permit number: …………………………..

Name of consignee: ………………………….

Address of consignee: ………………………………………………………………….


 I, …………………………………(name), being an Official Government Veterinarian of the United States, hereby certify that:

 1.  This certificate relates to equine semen collected from a stallion which was resident on the following approved collection centre and the Approval Certificate (Certificate 1) for this centre is attached.


 (Approval must be no more than 12 months before the last date of collection for semen in this consignment).

 2.  The stallion, identified as………………………………………, entered the collection centre on…………….. (date).

 3.  Semen for this consignment was collected from this stallion on the following dates:




(Please attach a summary table for each consignment listing stallion identifications, the testing dates for each stallion, collection dates for each stallion, the number of straws/containers for each collection and the straw/container markings.)

4. During the two months immediately prior to the first collection of semen for this consignment, the stallion was continuously resident:

 - in the United States, where the following diseases are compulsorily notifiable:

. African horse sickness

. contagious equine metritis

. dourine

. glanders

. equine encephalomyelitis (VEE, WEE, EEE)

. vesicular stomatitis

 - and where the following diseases were not reported during the 2 years immediately prior to, or during, the collection of semen for this consignment:

. African horse sickness

. dourine

. glanders

. Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE)

 - and in part of the United States where no case of eastern or western encephalomyelitides (EEE/WEE) has been reported within a 150 km radius during the 12 months immediately prior to, or during the collection of semen for this consignment.


- the stallion was vaccinated against EEE and WEE using an approved vaccine according to the manufacturer’s directions and has been revaccinated as required prior to entering the semen collection centre.

 - and in part of the United States where no case of vesicular stomatitis has been reported within a 15 km radius during the previous 12 months.

 5.  Whilst on the collection centre, the donor stallion and any in contact horses were not known to be suffering from the following diseases:

. contagious equine metritis

. equine infectious anaemia

. equine viral arteritis

. equine viral abortion (equine herpes virus 1, including the neurologic syndrome)

. equine coital exanthema

. salmonellosis (Salmonella abortus equi)

 6.  Vaccination against African horse sickness has not been practised in the United States in the last 12 months.

 7.  The donor stallion was not vaccinated against VEE during the 60 days prior to entering the collection centre.

 8.  The donor stallion was examined by an approved veterinarian* on each day of collection of semen for this consignment and was clinically healthy.

*An approved veterinarian is a veterinarian authorised by the government veterinary administration to supervise the semen collection centre.

9. Disease testing, semen collection and semen processing and storage were supervised by an Official Government Veterinarian.

10. Sex sorted semen

 For sex sorted semen, either:

  • Sex sorted semen is NOT included in this shipment,


  • Sex sorted semen IS included in this shipment, and:

-          equipment used for sex-sorting sperm was cleaned and disinfected between animals according the sex semen licensor’s recommendations; and

-          where seminal plasma, or components thereof, was added to sorted semen prior to cryopreservation and storage, it was derived from animals of same or better health status.

[One of the options must be struck out.]

11.  Disease Testing

Taylorella equigenitalis

Commencing at least 7 days after entering the approved collection centre, the donor stallion and any teaser mares used, were tested, with negative results, for Taylorella equigenitalis by culture (for at least 7 days) of swabs collected on 3 occasions

……………………. (date)

……………………. (date)

……………………. (date)

at intervals of not less than 7 days, taken from:

- donors: the penile sheath, the urethra, the urethral sinus and the pre-ejaculatory fluid

AND, if applicable,

- teaser mares: the clitoral fossa including the clitoral sinuses, and on one occasion from the endometrium of each teaser mare whilst in oestrus.

 Equine infectious anaemia (EIA):

At least 21 days after entering the approved collection centre, the stallion was tested as follows:

- an approved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), OR

- a Coggin’s test (AGID)

with a negative result

 Type of test ……………    Date blood drawn…………….

 Vesicular stomatitis (serotypes Indiana and New Jersey):

At least 21 days after entering the approved collection centre, the stallion was tested as follows:

- a serum neutralisation test (SNT), OR

- a complement fixation test (CFT), OR

- a competitive ELISA (C-ELISA)

with a negative result.

 Type of test………………  Date blood drawn……………………

 Equine viral arteritis (EVA):

At least 21 days after entering the approved collection centre, the stallion was tested by one or more of the following methods:

A serum neutralisation test (SNT) for EVA with negative result.

Date of blood drawn………………; OR

A virus isolation test (VI) on two samples of semen, with a negative result,

Dates semen collected for VI ………………… and ………………..; OR

The stallion was test mated to two mares which showed negative results to SNT for EVA on two blood samples; one collected at the time of test mating (a) and another 28 days after the test mating (b).

Dates of test mating: mare 1……………….;  mare 2…………………

Dates blood drawn 1a……………..1b……………….; 2a………………2b……………….

12.  Laboratory reports for all testing are attached to this certificate.

13.  Semen processing

New, disposable artificial vagina (AV) liners and collection vessels were used for each collection.

 All biological products of animal origin used in the collection, processing and storage of semen were obtained from animals free from African horse sickness and Vesicular stomatitis or sterilised by approved methods and handled in such a manner as to avoid contamination.

 Sanitary precautions were observed during collection and processing of the semen to prevent contamination.

 Antibiotics were added to the semen extender/diluent in generally accepted levels.

14. Semen Storage

Reproductive material for export to Australia was identified in a legible and non-erasable manner, and was stored since the end of the collection period until export under the supervision of the approved veterinarian(s) in containers in which no biological material other than semen, embryos or ova of equivalent health status as specified in this veterinary certificate was held.

15. For this reproductive material, either:

  • Reproductive material was NOT removed from containers for further processing or aggregation with other reproductive material.


  • Reproductive material was removed from containers for further processing or aggregation with other reproductive material at an approved centre or laboratory. The dates of transfer, reason for transfer (e.g. for sex sorting), name of the approved centre or laboratory and the approved veterinarian ARE listed against the containers. The unique serial (SEAL) number of each shipping container IS included in this documentation.

Date of transfer...................................

Reason for transfer ..................................................................................................................

Name of approved laboratory...................................................................................................

Approved veterinarian/s...........................................................................................................

Container serial number/s.........................................................................................................

[One of the options must be struck out.]

16.  For UNFROZEN semen:

The semen for export, all of equivalent health status, was identified and placed under the supervision of the Official Government Veterinarian in chilled transport container(s) (such as Equitainers) which was either: (one of the options below must be struck out)

-new, OR

- disinfected on ……………. (date), using the active ingredient ……………………

The semen was stored under security and under my supervision until export.

The transport container was sealed with an official government seal prior to export.  Seal number …………………..

 For FROZEN semen:

The semen for export, all of equivalent health status, was identified and placed under the supervision of the Official Government Veterinarian in fresh liquid nitrogen in a container(s) which was either: (one of the options below must be struck out)

-new, OR

-prior to loading, the shipper was emptied and inspected and any loose straws removed. The shipper, including all surfaces contacting the straws, was disinfected with:…………………………………………………………………

(The following disinfectants will be accepted by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment: 2% available chlorine (e.g. chlorine bleach), 2% Virkon, or irradiation at 50 kGy.)

The semen was stored under security and under the supervision of an Official Government Veterinarian until export.

Any servicing of the containers was done under direct supervision of an Official Government Veterinarian, who has recorded this on the health certificate.

The transport container was sealed with an official government seal prior to export. 
Seal number ………………………..

Signature of Official Government Veterinarian:


Official position:

Name and address of government authority:





Official stamp: