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Certificate: Approval of equine semen collection centre for export to Australia

Effective 15 April 2020 to 26 October 2021

NOTE: Veterinary certificates are negotiated directly between relevant government authorities. In cases where a veterinary certificate has not been negotiated, this annex can be used as the basis for developing a suitable document.

Name of approved centre:

Name of person responsible:

Address of approved centre:



I, …………………………………………… (name), being an official government veterinarian of the United States hereby certify in relation to the above premises that:

  1. The centre was approved on …………………(date). Note: The centre must be approved by an official government veterinarian prior to the commencement of each period of collection of semen for export to Australia, or where the centre is used continuously, on an annual basis. Approval must be no more than 12 months before the last date of collection for semen in the consignment.

  2. The centre is located in a part of the US that has been free from the following diseases for 2 years:

    - African horse sickness

    - dourine

    - glanders

    - Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis

    and the following diseases for 12 months:

    - surra

    - Borna disease

    and where no case of vesicular stomatitis has been reported within a 15km radius during the previous 12 months.

    and no case of eastern or western equine encephalomyelitides (EEE/WEE) has been reported in the centre for the previous 12 months.

  3. The centre is surrounded by two secure stockproof fences at least 5 metres apart, except where the wall of a building forms part of the perimeter.

  4. Stables on the centre are so constructed that they can be readily cleaned and disinfected.

  5. All hard surfaces have been adequately cleaned and disinfected and exercise yards, holding yards and paddocks have been spelled for sufficient time to allow decontamination.

  6. A room or building or mobile laboratory is set aside for the processing of semen and is separate from areas where animals are housed and where semen is collected.  This facility is cleaned and disinfected before use.

  7. During the collection period the centre is occupied only by the donor stallions and other horses of the same health status. Note: The centre may be located on an established equine enterprise but should be so sited that, for the duration of the period of collection of semen for export to Australia, direct contact between horses on the centre and other equines is prevented.

  8. Personnel attending the horses change outer clothing and footwear, and wash thoroughly, before handling the animals.  Personnel processing semen are trained in, and practice, proper disinfection procedures and hygiene techniques.

  9. All equipment used in the feeding, handling and treatment of the horses at the centre is new or cleaned and disinfected before use and is dedicated to use with the animals on the centre for the duration of the collection period.

  10. All equipment used to collect, process and store the semen and/or which comes into contact with either the donor stallions or the semen must be new and disposable or cleaned and disinfected before and between uses.

  11. Semen is stored in a secure area.

  12. Detailed records are kept at the centre which include:

    • identification of all horses on the centre

    • dates of entry to the centre

    • origin of horses entering

    • disease testing results

    • disease investigation results

    • treatments, therapeutic and prophylactic

    • health records

    • inspection dates and reports

  13. There is no unauthorised access to the centre and all visitors’ entries are logged.

General notes:

a.  The centre must be conveniently located for direct supervision by an official government veterinarian.  An official government veterinarian is a veterinarian employed by the government of the United States of America.

b.  If a horse shows signs of contagious or infectious disease, all horses must be removed from the centre and the official government veterinarian must be advised.  The centre must be re-approved by the official government veterinarian before horses re-enter the centre and all horses must be retested.

Signature of official government veterinarian:


Official position:

Name and address of government authority:




Official stamp: