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Systems approach: Measure of risk reduction of Guignardia bidwelli on table grapes from Sonora

Effective 25 April 2020 to 17 November 2021

WaSystems Approach for Black Rot (Guignardia bidwellii) on table grapes from Sonora, Mexico

The National Agro-Alimentary Health, Safety and Quality Service - General Management of Vegetable Safety (SENASICA-DGSV) has primary responsibility for coordinating and supervising the systems approach to manage black rot (Guignardia bidwellii).

Key components of the systems approach are:

  1. Vineyard registration. Export vineyards are registered by SENASICA-DGSV.

  2. Monitoring and management.

    • Producers must monitor the entire vineyard once every two weeks from flowering to harvest. Plant material with suspect symptoms is sampled and sent to a registered laboratory for testing and diagnosis. SENASICA-DGSV must be notified that suspicious symptoms have been detected.

    • Producers must monitor climatic conditions on a daily basis for conditions suitable for black rot infection. If favourable conditions present, or are anticipated, producers will implement a preventive spray program using fungicides registered with the Federal Commission for the Protection against Phytosanitary Risks (COFEPRIS).

    • Producers must have a fungicide spray program from the sprout period, opening of buds, flowering, fruit setting of bunches and prior to harvest, using fungicides registered with COFEPRIS.

  3. Preharvest inspection of registered vineyards. Two weeks prior to harvest, officers of SENASICA-DGSV will inspect export vineyards for symptoms of black rot. If black rot is confirmed present in the export vineyard it will be removed from the export program for that season.

  4. Certification. Table grapes for export to Australia are inspected and verified to be compliant with the systems approach and free from other pests of quarantine concern and biosecurity risk material.

  5. Record keeping. Records of the all activities relating to the systems approach must be kept.

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) will conduct phytosanitary fruit inspection on arrival. If black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) is detected, the consignment will be rejected. SENASICA-DGSV is required to arrange for trace back to identify the source vineyard and the source vineyard must be excluded from export to Australia for that season or the remainder of the season.

Depending on the level of non-compliance, the department may suspend the export program (all vineyards and packing houses), pending an investigation by SENASICA-DGSV and a review by the department. The export program will recommence only when the department is satisfied with the outcomes of the investigation and that appropriate corrective action has been undertaken. Depending on the outcomes of the investigation, the department may consider reviewing the import requirements for these pests.