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Certificate: Veterinary certification requirements for fresh equine semen from New Zealand

Effective 25 April 2020 to 15 October 2021

NOTE: Veterinary certificates are negotiated directly between relevant government authorities. In cases where a veterinary certificate has not been negotiated, this annex can be used as the basis for developing a suitable document.

NOTE: The new import veterinary health certificate negotiated between Australia and New Zealand for the importation of fresh equine semen from New Zealand will be issued from 1 December 2015. The new import veterinary health certificate for the importation of fresh equine semen from New Zealand will be issued from 1 February 2016.

I, ..........................................................................................................., an official government veterinarian, certify, after due enquiry with respect to the donor animal and semen described in this veterinary certificate, that:

1. Immediately prior to the first collection of semen for export, the donor animal(s) was

1.1 continuously resident in New Zealand since birth or since import from Australia*


1.2   continuously resident in New Zealand for at least sixty (60) days since import*


1.3   continuously resident in New Zealand for less than sixty (60) days since import on………………….  from……………………………………(approved country), and an owner/agent declaration stating that the horse(s) has been continuously resident in approved country(s) during the sixty (60) days immediately prior to import into New Zealand has been sighted*

*Delete as appropriate

2. No clinical, epidemiological or other evidence of the following diseases has occurred in New Zealand within the two (2) years immediately prior to, and during the collection of semen for this consignment and the diseases are notifiable in New Zealand:

  • African horse sickness

  • contagious equine metritis

  • dourine

  • glanders

  • equine encephalomyelitis (VEE, WEE, EEE), and

  • vesicular stomatitis

No clinical, epidemiological or other evidence of equine viral arteritis has occurred in New Zealand within the previous twelve (12) month period immediately prior to and during the collection of semen for this consignment and the disease is notifiable.

3. Clinical inspection

The donor animal and all in-contact equines on the premises of origin were inspected on the day of each semen collection for this consignment and were found to be free from clinical evidence of infectious or contagious disease.

4. Laboratory Testing

4.1 All samples for testing collected in New Zealand were taken by an official government veterinarian, or a veterinarian authorised by an official government veterinarian.

4.2 All testing has been conducted in either a government approved laboratory in New Zealand, or in a laboratory in another country recognised by the New Zealand government.

5. Health status

5.1 The donor animal was not used for natural service in the thirty (30) day period prior to semen collection for export.

5.2 After due enquiry, for the thirty (30) days prior to semen collection for export the donor animal(s) has been free from clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.

5.3. Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1)

After due enquiry, the donor animal(s) has had no contact with any horse known or suspected of being infected with equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) for at least thirty (30) days prior to semen collection.

6. Semen Collection Centre

The semen was collected, processed and stored on a premises inspected and approved by an official veterinarian.

7. Semen Collection and Processing

7.1 Reproductive material for export to Australia was identified in a legible and non-erasable manner, and was stored since the end of the collection period until export under the supervision of the approved veterinarian(s) in containers in which no biological material other than semen of equivalent health status as specified in this veterinary certificate was held.

7.2 Reproductive material was NOT removed from containers for further processing or aggregation with other reproductive material.

7.3 Sex sorted semen is NOT included in this shipment.

7.4 All equipment used in the collection, processing and storage of the semen for export is new, or clean and sterilised.

8. Storage and Transport

8.1 The semen for export was identified and placed in a transport container(s) or shipper(s) which is:

  • new*

  • prior to loading, the shipper was emptied and inspected and any loose vials/bags removed. The shipper, including all surfaces contacting the vials/bags, was disinfected;

[The date of disinfection, the disinfectant used and its active chemical must be recorded on the health certificate.]

The following disinfectants will be accepted by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment:

  • 2% available chlorine (e.g. chlorine bleach)

  • 2% Virkon

  • irradiated at 50kGy.

* Delete if not applicable

8.2. The transport container(s) used to transport the semen to Australia has been sealed and bears a government seal number.

[Official government security number must be recorded on the veterinary certificate.]


Signature of the Official Veterinarian Official Stamp and Date



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