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Treatment: Fumigation for persimmon fruit moth in Korea

Effective 18 March 2020 to 2 October 2021

If the methyl bromide fumigation option is to be adopted for disinfestation of Stathmopoda masinissa (persimmon fruit moth), the following procedure must be followed:

  1. All fumigation facilities for disinfestation of persimmon fruit moth must be tested and registered with the Korean NPPO. Records of chamber testing must be made available to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment if required.

  2. Fumigation with methyl bromide must be carried out for 2 hours at 48g/m³ at a fruit pulp temperature of 15°C at normal atmospheric pressure (NAP). Concentration of the fumigant must be monitored and maintained at 48g/m³ during the treatment period. Additional fumigant must be added if concentration of methyl bromide falls below 48g/m³ during fumigation.

  3. The loading ratio should not exceed 50% of the chamber volume. This must be completed under the supervision of the Korean NPPO, or an accredited certifying official at the facility that is registered with, and audited by the Korean NPPO.

  4. Fumigation establishments must maintain records identify each fumigation treatment. All data pertaining to the fumigation treatment must be recorded:

    4.1 the number and identification of pallets treated,
    4.2 the time and date for the treatment,
    4.3 the temperature data from each pallet,
    4.4 the methyl bromide dose rate as calculated,
    4.5 the chamber capacity, and
    4.6 the volume of product treated.

  5. Fumigation establishments must ensure their systems will assure that treated and untreated product is identified and segregated at all times while on the premises.