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Certificate: Zoosanitary certification for domestic birds as pets from New Zealand

Effective 1 February 2020 to 18 March 2020


Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Permit number………………………..

Identification of bird(s):







ID (microchip or legband) ……………………………………….

ID (microchip or legband) ……………………………………….


I,.........................................................................., being a New Zealand Government Veterinary Officer, certify that:

(a)  Virulent Newcastle disease and highly pathogenic avian influenza have not been reported in New Zealand during the six month period immediately prior to the date of this certification.

 (b)  I inspected the premises at:




being the residence of the birds listed on this certificate on………………(date) and I considered it appropriate for the performance of pre-export quarantine for export to Australia.

(c)  The pre-export quarantine period commenced on……………  (date)

(d)  The bird(s) listed in this certificate has(have) been resident at the above address for a period of at least 45 days prior to shipment to Australia.  During this period, as far as could be reasonably determined, there have been no birds in the residence/premises other than the bird(s) in this shipment.


(e) The bird(s) was(were) examined by me within one week of commencing the pre-export quarantine period on .....................(date) and:

i) no suspicion/evidence of any infectious or contagious disease, including any lesions suggestive of avian pox was found; OR

ii) lesions suggestive of avian pox in psittacine birds were detected and they have been shown not to be caused by psittacine pox virus.

(f)  No illness/death of the bird(s) under pre-export quarantine was (were) reported by the owner during the 45 day pre-export period.

(g)  Within 96 hours of export, the bird(s) was(were) examined by:…………………………………  (name), a qualified veterinarian.  I have seen his/her report and am satisfied that no suspicion/evidence of infectious or contagious disease or external parasites was found in the birds and that the bird(s) was(were) fit to travel.

(h)  The transport container(s) was(were) new and / or clean, mosquito-proof and met the IATA standards.  The container(s) was(were) sealed with an official seal number……………………….


Signature:.................................................................... Date:.............................................

Government Veterinary Officer




Note: The certificate must bear the Official Stamp of the New Zealand Government Veterinary Officer, and must not be modified without written permission from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.