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Certificate: Canadian government certification for bovine semen

Effective 4 December 2019 to 22 June 2021

The Canadian government must certify to the following:

1. The seals on the tank imported into Canada from New Zealand were intact on arrival in Canada and matched the New Zealand health certificate provided for that consignment.

2. Storage at approved centre(s) or laboratory(ies)

From the time of arrival in Canada to export to Australia, the reproductive material collected in New Zealand in this consignment was stored:

  • in sealed containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) and identified in a legible and non-erasable manner as specified in this veterinary certificate

  • only with other embryos or semen collected for export to Australia, or of equivalent health status

  • in a secure place within an approved centre or laboratory and under the supervision of the approved veterinarian(s), and

  •  in containers containing only new, unused liquid nitrogen.

3. Further processing or aggregation

The bovine semen straws collected in New Zealand listed on the Canada health certificate (insert number) were aggregated into a tank/s for this consignment for export to Australia.

 [If not all of the straws listed on the New Zealand health certificate are included in this consignment, record the number of straws and their identifiers and the dates of collection and donor names that are included in this consignment on the veterinary health certificate.]

4. Shipping containers (liquid nitrogen shippers/tanks)

The shipping container used to export the semen to Australia was new


Prior to loading, the shipping container was emptied and inspected and any loose straws removed. The shipping container, including all surfaces in contact with the straws, ampoules or vials was then disinfected with one of the following disinfectants: 2% available chlorine (e.g. chlorine bleach), 2% Virkon or irradiated at 50kGy.

Date of disinfection/ irradiation………………………………………………………...

Disinfectant used/ active ingredient…………………………………………………….

 [The veterinary certificate must indicate the option that applies. For used shipping containers, the date of disinfection, the disinfectant used and its active chemical must be recorded on the health certificate.]

5. Official government seals

Under the supervision of an official veterinarian prior to direct export to AUSTRALIA:

·         the containers (e.g. straws, ampoules or vials) for reproductive material in this consignment were checked as being sealed.

·         the identity of the reproductive material was checked prior to being placed into new, unused liquid nitrogen in a shipping container for export that was new or disinfected as specified in this veterinary certificate

·         Only reproductive material that met Australian import conditions was added to the shipping container

·         The shipping container was sealed with an official government seal and the number or mark on the seal recorded on the certificate.