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Treatment: ‘Adult Arhopalus ferus Risk Management Plan’ options for containerised consignments

Effective 8 August 2019 to 1 October 2019

To comply with the "Adult Arhopalus ferus Risk Management Plan" for containerised consignments, the timber must have been treated in a way that mitigates the risk of burnt pine longicorn (BPL) beetle infestation.
Acceptable treatments are:

  • meet the requirements of the MPI Secure Pathway Official Assurance Programme, or be treated with one of the following:

  • methyl bromide fumigation at 48 g/m³ for 12 hours at a minimum temperature of 15 °C, or

  • methyl bromide fumigation at 56 g/m³ for 12 hours at a minimum temperature of 10 °C, or

  • insecticidal fog (e.g. Barricade 500EC, pestigas, permigas, pybuthrin 33) containing a synthetic or natural pyrethriod(s) applied as per label instructions. This treatment must be undertaken in an enclosure (e.g. under tarp, container or an enclosed building) it must not be applied to goods standing in the open, or spray containing synthetic pyrethroid(s) (e.g. Cislin 25) registered for the control of crawling pests in workplace environments is applied to surfaces as per label instructions. This treatment can be applied to goods standing in the open.