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Metrosideros permitted species table

Effective 14 July 2015 to 24 February 2016

Note: Any Metrosideros species not listed in these tables are prohibited entry into Australia by legislation and require assessment.

Metrosideros albiflora

Metrosideros bartlettii

Metrosideros carminea

Metrosideros colensoi

Metrosideros collina

Metrosideros collina var. collina

Metrosideros collina var. villosa

Metrosideros diffusa

Metrosideros excelsa

Metrosideros excelsa x polymorpha

Metrosideros flexuosa

Metrosideros fulgens

Metrosideros kermadecensis

Metrosideros perforata

Metrosideros polymorpha

Metrosideros queenslandica

Metrosideros robusta

Metrosideros sclerocarpa

Metrosideros tomentosa

Metrosideros umbellata

Metrosideros villosa

Warnings and Information Notices

If a plant is permitted at the species level then all subordinate taxa (e.g. varieties, subspecies, forms and subforms.) of that species are also permitted. Similarly, if a plant is permitted at a genus level, then all species are permitted etc.

Where the parents of a hybrid are permitted the hybrid plant may be imported without a separate BICON case. Imported hybrids must be clearly labelled with their full parentage for identification by the department.

If the species you wish to import is not listed but you believe it is a synonym of a permitted species please contact the Import Services Team for an assessment.