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List: Mangifera spp. nursery stock pest list

Effective 15 August 2023

Mangifera spp. nursery stock pest list:

Note: The department reserves the right to review import policy and associated pest lists as deemed necessary, such as in the event that phytosanitary pest status has changed, or if the biosecurity risks associated with the pathway has changed (e.g. in response to emerging or new quarantine pests).

Pest Type


Pseudomonas mangiferae*

Xylella fastidiosa


Ceratocystis spp. associated with Mango sudden death syndrome

Elsinoƫ mangiferae

Fusarium spp. associated with Mango malformation disease

Phymatotrichum omnivorum


Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris

*Indicates pests of quarantine concern that are not included in the mandatory PEQ testing schedule. Testing requirements will be reviewed if more information on the pest becomes available. If detected, these pests are considered to be of quarantine concern.

+Tissue cultures are visually screened but not actively tested for fungi. Additional fungal pathogens associated with Mangifera nursery stock are under departmental review.