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Risk background: High priority pests of Zantedeschia tubers

Effective 16 November 2016 to 2 August 2019

When conducting an inspection, inspectors are encouraged to pay particular attention to specific potential pests arriving in/on Zantedeschia tubers. The following table includes but is not limited to common pests of Zantedeschia, which can be visible during inspection:

Pest type

Common name

DIPTERA (flies)

Eumerus strigatus

Lesser bulb fly

HEMIPTERA (Mealybugs)

Pseudococcus maritimus

Grape mealybug

Lesser bulb fly
Lesser bulb flies are 5 to 9 mm dark blue insects. On tubers, lesser bulb fly maggots scrape away the bulb tissue and tunnel in. The infested bulbs begin to decay and the interior of the bulb fills with a semiliquid mass. The maggots usually attack the base of the bulb although sometimes only the upper portion of the bulb is infested.

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Grape mealybug
Grape mealybugs are small (about 3 mm in length). Adult mealybugs are soft bodied, segmented insects covered in a white powdery wax. Females are oval and flattened, flightless and have three nymphal stages with no pupal phase. Males are much smaller, have wings and go through four nymphal stages. The Grape mealybug has long tail filaments making the mealybug appear to have a tail.
