Revised conditions to regulate Libertia and Phyllocladus under Xylella emergency management measures
Effective from 18 January 2025The department recently reviewed plant hosts for the risk of Xylella fastidiosa (Xylella). The review concluded that permitted species within two additional genera, Libertia and Phyllocladus be regulated for the bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa in imported nursery stock.
As a result, consignments of permitted species within the genera Libertia and Phyllocladus with a phytosanitary certificate issued by the National Plant Protection Organisation of the exporting country on or after 31 January 2025 are subject to import conditions in the BICON case ‘Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock’.
Additionally, Ficus sycomorus has been removed from the BICON case ‘Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock’, as this species was incorrectly included due to a technical error. Import conditions for F. sycomorus can be found within the BICON case ‘Xylella fastidiosa and Ceratocystis spp. hosts for use as nursery stock’.
Who does this notice affect:
Importers of Libertia spp., Phyllocladus spp. and Ficus sycomorus for use as nursery stock, brokers and departmental staff.
The department undertakes reviews of permitted plant species and their import conditions from time to time. This ensures that risk management measures remain aligned with current information, and conditions remain effective in managing the biosecurity risks posed by imported commodities.
Import permits:
The department has contacted affected import permit holders and will vary existing permits in accordance with the above changes.
Further information:
Email Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090 (please include ‘Plant T2’ within the subject line).
This Change applies to the following Cases:
- Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock
- Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock
- Bulbs that are hosts of Xylella fastidiosa for growth in open quarantine
- Bulbs to be grown in open quarantine for use as nursery stock
- Xylella fastidiosa and Ceratocystis spp. hosts for use as nursery stock