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Addition of Anthurium papillilaminum to the ‘Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock’ case

Effective from 17 August 2024

Anthurium papillilaminum has been added to the ‘Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock’ BICON case, as the department has assessed Anthurium papillilaminum does not pose a risk of becoming a weed in Australia.

As a result, A. papillilaminum may be permitted entry into Australian territory subject to the import conditions under the ‘Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock’ BICON case.

No other changes have been made to import conditions for Medium risk plants for use as nursery stock.

The Weed Risk Assessment and Disease Risk Assessment systems are science-based quarantine risk analysis tools for determining the weed potential of a species and the disease risk of a genus. All plants proposed for importation into Australia and not currently permitted on BICON are assessed for their potential to introduce disease or become weed species in Australia. Further information on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the Weed Risk Assessment system is available on the department's webpage.

Import permits:
Current import permits will not be updated to reflect this change, any permit holders intending to import these species will have to apply for a variation to include any additional species.

Who does this notice affect?
Importers of nursery stock, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: