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Updates to Tomato and Capsicum seed conditions to allow test samples of raw seeds with pelleted seed

Effective from 5 July 2024

The purpose of this notification is to advise of alternative import options for pelleted tomato or capsicum seed for sowing that requires onshore pathogen testing.

Importers can now apply for an import permit that will enable the import of a non-pelleted (raw) seed sample for pathogen testing on arrival, either:

  1. Arriving with the main consignment (pelleted seed); or
  2. Arriving prior to the main consignment (pelleted seed).

To utilise these options, the non-pelleted seed sample:

  • Must be derived from the same seed lot as the pelleted seed in the consignment
  • Must be packaged and labelled as a seed sample (specifying the sample size, full botanical name and seed lot number
  • Must be directed to a department approved onshore laboratory for pathogen testing, to confirm the seed is free from pathogens of biosecurity concern

The following table outlines the key import permit conditions for the new options:

Option (Tomato or Capsicum)

Certification requirements1

Sample sizes that apply


Sample and consignment:

Import of a pelleted seed consignment, accompanied by non-pelleted seed (raw) sample (20,000 seeds or 20% of the seed lot) for pathogen testing onshore.


  • Phytosanitary certificate required, with khapra beetle declaration, seed lot number and botanical name.


  • Supplier’s declaration or invoice required stating the seed lot number, botanical name, seed sample size and declaration packaged in accordance with Australia’s requirements.

Note: The seed lot number, as labelled on the sample, must match what is stated on the phytosanitary certificate for the pelleted seed.

Testing onshore can be performed on 20,000 seeds or 20% of small seed lots.


Sample only:

Import of a non-pelleted seed test sample (on 20,000 seeds only) for pathogen testing onshore, arriving on its own.

The test results obtained may be used to import consignments of pelleted seeds of the same seed lot.

  • Phytosanitary certificate not required.
  • Supplier’s declaration or invoice required stating “sample only”, the seed lot number, botanical name, seed sample size and declaration packaged in accordance with Australia’s requirements.

Testing onshore must be performed on 20,000 seeds, for test results to be representative of the pelleted seed lot to be imported.

Note: Onshore test results where the sample size used was 20% of small seed lots are consignment specific and results cannot be re-used for future imports of the seed lot.

1Other biosecurity conditions relating to seed purity and contamination may apply depending on the seed lot size, as specified in the permit conditions.

How do I apply for an import permit:
Importers seeking to utilise these new alternative import options must hold an import permit with specific conditions.

  • Existing import permit holders: Import permit holders may request a variation to existing import permits for tomato or capsicum seed to add these additional import options.
  • New permit applications: Importers can email to express interest in applying for an import permit, or apply through the Permitted seed for sowing BICON case (select the Pelleted seed — Not an ornamental flower seed pathway), ensuring all relevant details are included in the ‘other information’ field in the application form.

Who does this affect:
Importers (and their customs brokers) of pelleted tomato and capsicum seed for sowing and department staff.

Further Information:
For further information please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email (please title the subject line of the email ‘Plant T2 – seed for sowing’).

This Change applies to the following Cases: