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Import conditions for fresh tomatoes from New Zealand have been updated

Effective from 21 June 2024

The department has updated import conditions on BICON to allow trade in fresh tomatoes from New Zealand for human consumption to recommence.

The changes made to import conditions for fresh New Zealand tomatoes are as follows:

  1. Fresh loose tomatoes grown in accordance with the New Zealand Code of Practice for the management of Tomato Potato Psyllid and Pepino mosaic virus are permitted to be imported into Australia. These tomatoes must meet the updated import requirements published on BICON.
  2. Fresh loose tomatoes not grown in accordance with the New Zealand Code of Practice for the management of Tomato Potato Psyllid and Pepino mosaic virus are not permitted to be imported into Australia. The import requirements for these tomatoes have been removed from BICON.
  3. Fresh truss tomatoes from New Zealand are not permitted to be imported into Australia. The import requirements for these tomatoes have been removed from BICON.

Who does this notice affect:
This notice affects importers of fresh horticulture produce, brokers and Pathway Operations Cargo – Assessments and Inspections.

Further information:
For additional information email Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: