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Revised import conditions for CaLSo and Xylella hosts for use as nursery stock

Effective from 15 November 2023

The following revisions have been made to the import conditions for nursery stock hosts of Xylella and Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Solanaceae-infecting haplotypes) (CaLSo) to ensure that conditions remain consistent and effective in managing biosecurity risk:

  1. Offshore testing is now accepted as a risk management option for tissue cultures sourced from a country that is recognised as a CaLSo host and low risk Xylella country/region.

    Offshore testing must be certified as an additional declaration on a phytosanitary certificate accompanying the consignment.

  2. Updates have been made to clarify that Spain is recognised as being a country where Solanaceae-infecting haplotypes of CaLSo is not present.
  3. Conditions permitting the entry of tissue culture without media have been included in all pathways that do not require post-entry quarantine (PEQ) and testing at the Australian Government PEQ facility in Mickleham, Victoria.

Importers seeking to access conditions under Point 3 can contact the department to initiate a permit variation if required.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of nursery stock, brokers and departmental staff.

Members of the Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum complex and Xylella species are bacterial pathogens that are recognised as one of Australia’s National Priority Plant Pests. Strict biosecurity measures are therefore in place to minimise the risk of introduction via host material imported into Australian territory.

Further information:
Email Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: