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Addition of x Digiplexis to Xylella fastidiosa hosts as nursery stock

Effective from 31 August 2023

The department has undertaken a review of hybrids of Digitalis purpurea (common foxglove) and Isoplexis canariensis (Canary Island foxglove), including the current accepted taxonomic names for both species.

As a result of this assessment, the department is updating the ‘Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case to include the following names:

  • x Digiplexis
  • Digitalis x Isoplexis
  • Digitalis canariensis

Who does this notice affect:
Importers (and their customs brokers) of these species for an end use as nursery stock, and departmental staff.

Import permits:
Current import permits will not be updated to reflect this change, any permit holders intending to import this species will have to apply for a variation to include this additional species.

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: