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AA class 1.1 added for inspections of permitted frozen mushroom spawn and/or cultures

Effective from 5 August 2023

Inspections of frozen spawn and/or cultures of permitted species of mushroom for propagation may now be undertaken at class 1.1 approved arrangement sites.

Who does this notice affect:
This notice affects importers of frozen mushroom spawn and/or cultures from all countries, brokers, and Pathway Operations Cargo - assessment and inspections.

Further information:
Prior to the importation of goods into Australia, a valid import permit issued by the Department of Agriculture is required. An import permit may be obtained by submitting an import permit application to the department (if viewed online, use the 'Apply Now' button at the bottom of the BICON case).

For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations or phone 1800 900 090.

This Change applies to the following Cases: