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Removal of approved ingredients from standard non-composite enzyme permits

Effective from 26 May 2023

The department has amended the standard import conditions for non-composite permits for enzymes derived from microbial fermentation for human consumption, human therapeutic, human cosmetic, or laboratory use.

Changes include the removal of the approved ingredients list to reduce confusion with the import conditions, which already outline approved ingredients and exemptions to what is considered composite goods. The change to import conditions will apply to import permits issued from 25 May 2023.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers applying for standard non-composite permits for enzymes derived from microbial fermentation for human consumption, human therapeutic, human cosmetic, or laboratory use, Biosecurity staff and Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessments and Inspections.

Further information:
Please contact Biological Imports Program on 1800 900 090 (option 1, option 1) or email with the subject line to include 'Biologicals T2'.

This Change applies to the following Cases: